Sarah has this jealousy towards her younger sister. Any opportunity she has to ridicule and embarrass Rachel, she takes the opportunity. This is all because of the attention that Rachel is given. Sarah is jealous of the relationship her parents have with Rachel because she wants the relationship. She wants to be treated the same way Rachel is treated. Her words were an accident. She was angry, Rachel was once again beating her. Even when she is being ridiculed, Rachel keeps her head high. Sarah wants to beat her sister. She never meant to turn her sister's world all the way around. She never meant to change the family dynamic. She was just angry. She was just being human and expressing her feelings. She regretted ever uttering the words " dirty leper" (Brennert 36). She never meant to. She was shocked at herself. None of what she said was planned or intentional. This is why is chose to draw this symbol for Sarah. The 'S' is to represent her name. The line down the middle is to represent her two different sides, the angry side and the ashamed side. When Sarah is angry, she is uncontrollable, like a large fire. Afterwards, she was fragile and still uncontrollable. The 'S' has tears coming out from the top because she was in some much shock, that the tears represent her loosened hold on the situation. Sarah may have said what she did in anger, but that's all it was anger. She never expected to feel the sadness of her words as well.
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